October 22, 2024

Pitiful Political Survival Instinct (Pt1)


Chris Nehikhare

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By Liberty ‘Ruyi

A popular Benin adage has it that the surest way to identify a son among your children who isn’t yours is one that stands afar to throw stones on your roof. Moreso, is a child like you Chris enlisted to help celebrate the stagnancy of his people with grammar to attract applause from afar and cause tears at home provided you get your daily bread from whoever is interested in the self-debasing and community-degrading service.

I read your Open Letter to Pastor Osagie Ize-Iyamu in response to his interview on Channels TV and wondered what got your fancy. Chris, have you asked yourself what use the Open Letter you did to Pastor Osagie Ize-Iyamu?

For the benefit of the doubt and for the purpose of record, Ize-Iyamu lamented the level and slow pace of development in our Orhionmwon Local Government Area and said that is one of the major reasons behind his ambition to be Governor of Edo State. Ize-Iyamu however did not say nothing has been done by past leaders of Orhionmwon extraction; he only said being the goose that lays the golden egg, Orhionmwon deserves far more and the only position that can offer it what’s due it is the position of the Governor by an indigene that understands the pain and possesses the will power.

Dear brother Chris, permit me to exclude your distinguished surname of the Don Nehikhare heritage that you have completely betrayed. What was wrong with Ize-Iyamu’s clamour for a better deal for Orhionmwon?

That you failed to build even a single-room apartment in your Evboehighae village is understandable, but abandoning the house you inherited from your father is bad enough to have silenced you on issues of Orhionmwon development.

Sir, you can recall my last criticism of your office when you enjoined people to join your party the PDP, I have requested that you deploy the influence of your office to do a palliative on the road crossing your father’s house as only a person who can feed himself that should be inviting his friends and neighbours to a feast. Have you done that now?

You have consistently mentioned Obaseki’s unnoticeable achievements in Orhionmwon, but what you have never done is back your claims with evidence like I have decided to show to the world the condition of your village road, how pupils in your Ugbeka College and Evboehighae Primary Schools are benefiting from Obaseki’s phantom achievements in education. I have decided to expose the condition of Primary Health Care in your village, how they get water for domestic use and the unfinished electricity project you don’t care about.

At least for conscience, you should have allowed another person outside Orhionmwon to respond to Ize-Iyamu, not you who expectedly should understand that nothing tangible has happened in Orhionmwon since Oshiomhole left office beyond road grading during the elections and the confiscation of our farmlands for businesses by Obaseki’s friends from Lagos.

I hear fibre optics; why do you people resort to lying? Has it resulted in improved internet connectivity and for whom, the village farmers your government took their lands? If your government is interested in introducing the farmers who have lost their lands to internet fraud, will it not be fair to offer them tools and how to use them?

One will begin to wonder what form of greed will drive the first son of a prominent Orhionmwon father to insult the collective sensibility of his people.

What does Obaseki pay to warrant selling the interest of your people out; how can you say Orhionmwon doesn’t deserve to be Governor? May those we look up to never become the problems we must solve.

While I urge you to retract and put your open letter in the proper perspective, I want to assure you that our party the APC and its leaders like Pastor Osagie Ize-Iyamu are hungry to take government back in Edo State from the hands of the Ikoyi Club mercenaries that you have become slaves to for peanuts at the detriment of your suffering brothers and sisters back home.

Read Also: Obaseki wins Midwest Herald ‘Man of The Year’

We are eager to take power, return to Comrade Adams Oshiomhole’s passion for physical and human capital infrastructure, and rewrite the wrongs of the last eight years. We want other roads fixed as Oshiomhole did in Abudu, Igbanke, Ugo, Urhonigbe, Umoghun and others. We want your Evboehighae village to enjoy the basic infrastructure in continuation of the visible red roofs by APC there. We reject you and Obaseki’s kind of development that is only seen on paper.

Brother Chris, if your open letter to Ize-Iyamu didn’t seem to you a skewed and disrespectful narrative to please your slave master, consider mine in the same light. If otherwise, read this open letter again, search your conscience and get the understanding that Orhionmwon people will use your words against you when you need them most.

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