October 22, 2024

Midwest Herald Achievers Awards 2024: Of Idols, Heroes and Role Models!

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By Editor

Amidst the trouble, amidst the selfism, amidst the socioeconomic dislocation, amidst the disolution of political ideology and amidst the skyrocketed corruption in governance and larger space, it has and will always be apt to ask this question: ‘Why should we search for famous people that do things differently?’

These famous people we are scouting for, are not in anyway fictional characters or alien film stars. They are real men and women living amongst us.

What sets them apart is their character and determination to become the change they long to see.

We can all excel and attain fame and enjoy the merits without sacrificing the procedural old ‘fashion’ ethical values. But are there still people really like that? Or these are extremely unattainable parameters in Nigeria’s present clime?

Our communities are in search of idols and heroes!

To us in Midwest Herald, idols are people we almost worship as deities, and who are not revered for their looks, their profusion and plenitude or voice, but their admirable work.

Midwest Herald Heroes are people we admire for their quality of character, actions that display courage, nobility and some fantastic achievements through measurable paths.

All these makes them a tad, and a bit more relatable. Their actions are things we could possibly emulate, and their strength of character inspires others to improve.

If we look discreetly, these Heroes and Idols, are all around us – authentic and fallible.

Our search is for inspiration and desire for role models. We are seeking people who are like ordinary Nigerians, but also worthy of respect as a result of their character, vision and industry.

A man or woman in our schools, colleges, families, communities…could be our role model. What sets them apart from others is their ethical values in the reality of a dysfunctional Nigeria.

Their actions and behaviour have real resonance for us, all the more because we can see them manage the struggles, while keeping their characters. We see their success and think: yes I can do that too if I try hard enough.

They help us see ourselves as we really are, and would like to be seen, as opposed to how others see us.

The 2024 Midwest Achievers Awardees must be seen to have normalised our differences, and showed us an ‘innately human.’

Who we are looking for are ‘Matinée ldols.’

The 2024 Idols, Heroes and Role Models will be decorated during the Annual Midwest Herald Dinner in August.


  • Education
  • Leadership
  • Innovation
  • Youth
  • Business/Commerce
  • Politics
  • Public Service
  • Culture/Tradition
  • Law/Order
  • Civic/Public Defender

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