October 23, 2024

Impeachment Notice on The Deputy Governor of Edo State: A Case of Abuse of Office and Privilege!


(Courtesy: Leadership)

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By Isaiah Osifo, PhD

Edo State House of Assembly on Wednesday, 6 March, 2024 moved a motion and issued a notice of impeachment on the deputy governor of Edo State, Hon. Philip Shuaibu.

This course of action by the members of Edo State House of Assembly is quite simply an abuse of office and privilege.

Dr. Isaiah Osifo, Edo State APGA Governorship Candidate

The members of the State House of Assembly were elected to defend the Constitution of Nigeria, protect the laws of the State and to also represent the interest of their Constituency.

The motion for the impeachment of the Deputy Governor of Edo State does not fall into any of the categories stated above.

Abuse of office and the privileges that are associated with elected and appointed political office holders is a common feature that has frustrated the entrenchment of democratic norms in Nigeria.

Anti-impeachment protest in Edo North

It is has become an acceptable dereliction for political office holders to abandon their Constitutional mandate and instead pursue an agenda of personal aggrandizement.

In democratic and civilized nations, political office holders subordinate their personal interest to Constitutional demands.

Edo North Women on a march against impeachment of Deputy Governor Shaibu

The members of Edo State House of Assembly have brought disrepute on themselves for making the house available to support this odious agenda.

Surely this set of events will not advance the cause of democracy in the jurisdiction.

Indeed democracy in Edo state is under a vicious siege and Governor Obaseki is providing the guillotine for its mindless beheading.

The only protocols now accepted, are those which serve the ever enlarging ego of a governor on the rampage.

Peace cannot be kept by force – protesters

Majority of the members of the Edo State House of Assembly are people of conscience and are not part of this political menace.

However, the good nature of these members has been subverted by the overwhelming imperative of bread and butter politics and the need to survive.

Only the following factors can truly restore the confidence and good nature of the members of House of Assembly.

1. Internal democracy in the political parties that will guarantee a free and fair party primaries.

The selection of party candidates by the governor or a godfather at the expense of the popular choice of political party members will continue to erode the confidence of the members to do what is right.

2. Free and fair election conducted by INEC to ensure that the electorate elect the representatives of their choice.

3. A Constitutional amendment that will guarantee the independence of the State House of Assembly.

4. A patriotic and democratically elected governor that will respect the integrity of the members and support the independence of the State House of Assembly.

The Constitutional provisions and procedure for the impeachment of a Deputy Governor are clearly stated .

The nature of offense that the Deputy Governor should commit to warrant impeachment is equally stated in the Constitution.

Aspiration to contest for the position of governor of Edo State and challenge against the conduct of primaries by a political party do not constitute a ground for impeachment.

It is known that the Deputy Governor of Edo State is an aspirant for the governorship of Edo State on the platform of PDP.

The people of Edo State are equally aware of the parallel result declared by the Deputy Governor of Edo State claiming to be the winner of a parallel primaries conducted by a faction of PDP.

It is equally a fact that the Deputy Governor is already in court seeking the interpretation of the court and decision on the factional primaries that was conducted by the PDP.

In a true democratic country, the action of Edo State House of Assembly will be interpreted as obstruction of justice. Obstruction of justice is a criminal offense.

The impeachment Notice is an abuse of office, disrespect for democracy and premeptive action by the Edo State House of Assembly to deprive Philip Shuaibu his right to fair hearing and justice.

This act should not be encouraged and should be condemned by all persons that are interested in the survival of democracy and prosperity in Edo State.

The House of Assembly should make laws and pass resolutions for the welfare of the citizens and in defense of the Constitution and laws of the State.

The House of Assembly should not be willing tools in the hands of the governor to advance his personal interest.

The abuse of office by Governor Godwin Obaseki of Edo State is known to the people of Edo State.

The arrogant pursuit of his personal interest at the expense of the collective interest of the people of Edo State requires the urgent mobilization of a Grand Alliance of the people of Edo State to stop him from destroying the future of our dear State.

Edo State House of Assembly should pass a motion to direct the governor for the swearing ceremony of the Judges of Edo State High Court that have been appointed by the NJC for almost one year.

A governor that is scheming to undermine the independence of the Judiciary and the House of Assembly cannot be a friend of the people of Edo State.

Instead of pursuing personal political agenda of the governor, the House of Assembly should pursue a constitutional agenda that is in the interest of the people of Edo State.

A people or an assembly that thrives in the worship of money and immoral act for the advancement of personal interest will end up in failure.

Edo 2024 will be a contest between those that are in politics to serve and those that are in politics for business.

Those who are in politics to serve think of the welfare of the people and fear the laws of the State.

Those who are in politics for business for profit making will continue to fight to undermine the laws of the State, undermine the independence of the House of Assembly and the Judiciary.

I represent the philosophy of Politics for service and Godwin Obaseki and his surrogates are clearly in politics for business and profit making.

Read Also: Breaking: Benin Lawyer, Douglas Ogbankwa Charged for Stealing

Dr.Isaiah Osifo,
University Teacher and APGA Governorship Candidate,Edo ,2024.
Email: [email protected]

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